What the *&^% is Audio Verité?

September 19, 2011 § 2 Comments

I went on a quick search to find out more about Audio Verité after watching Matthew Bate’s movie on the Shut Up Little Man phenomenon, totally new to me and highly recommended viewing.

There’s plenty of information on Cinema Vireté, or just plain Vireté, but not much out there on a definition for Audio Verité – This (Audio) Virete link I have here made me feel a little better. I know, desperate gag.

There was one definition of the term that had more to do with the technical quality of sound recording – and that’s how far i got with that one, there were big words and i lost my way. also there was an Audio Verité that focused more on nature sounds, a more innocent example of ‘found sound’ than the one i was looking for. I did randomly  find what i was looking for – cheap find, the original Shut Up Little Man website (TRY HARDER JAV), AND a contest site for best composition made with found sounds, Verite+1. Check it out, the samples are short but interesting. the descriptions more so.

I liked that site’s definition of Audio Verité the best,
‘imagine the sound of life happening, as it would without the recordist being there’

It’s not reality tv people! it’s more like if right now, as you’re reading this, someone had a camera pointed at the back of your head and you had no idea. Don’t turn around. Don’t.

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